Doll stands with metal adjustable holder. Suitable for Pukifee, Lati White, bjd Ai, JR, PI, Pipos Ringo BJD Yo-SD, Blythe, Paola Reina, BJD MSD, Götz, Gott, BJD SD and similar size dolls .
You can choose the color – black or white.
You can choose the size (the maximum height of doll stand) 8cm, 10cm, 15cm, 20cm, 30cm
Type #1
-the maximum height of doll stand – 8cm (80 mm)
-the minimum height of doll stand – 5cm (50 mm)
-base -5.5*5 cm (55 * 50 mm)
-suitable for 1/12 dolls, 12-15 cm tall dolls (Pukifee, Lati White, bjd Ai, JR, PI (Pipos Ringo and similar)
Type #2
-the maximum height of doll stand – 10cm (100 mm)
-the minimum height of doll stand – 9cm (90 mm)
-base -7*6 cm (70 * 60 mm)
-suitable for 18-22 cm tall dolls
Type #3
-the maximum height of doll stand – 15cm (150 mm)
-the minimum height of doll stand – 11cm (110 mm)
-base -10*9 cm (100 * 90 mm)
-suitable for 20-25 cm tall dolls (BJD Yo-SD, Blythe)
Type #4
-the maximum height of doll stand – 25cm (250 mm)
-the minimum height of doll stand – 18cm (180 mm)
-base -10*9 cm (100 * 90 mm)
-suitable for 33-42 cm tall dolls (Paola Reina, BJD MSD)
Type #5
-the maximum height of doll stand – 32cm (320 mm)
-the minimum height of doll stand – 27cm (270 mm)
-base 10*12 cm (100*120 mm)
-suitable for 41-50 cm tall dolls (Götz, Gott, BJD SD)